Sunday 14 January 2007

Dance, Dance Everybody Look at my Pants

So i am stressing out. Am madly packing for QLD, believing that it is a foreign nation without general amenities such as supermarkets. Here is a photo of my packing job as it stands. i know i will pack and repack several times before i leave. i am kinda neurotic. i can just see myself leaving my room at 6am on wed morning and thinking 'have i got everything?', 'did i remember the waffle press?' and such crazy things. take a look at my smalls. i got good advice from alex who used to b in the navy..i dunno how that is relevant...but still...roll things tiny OR keep them dead flat. not both. it saves room. and boy do i need the room. i am a pale-ee and need all teh long sleeved garments i can lay my hands on.. oh and i have found a killer site.
people send this guy home made postcards displaying secrets they've been harbouring and get stuff off their chest. its kinda weird like voyeurism but then its kinda cool.

on a totally different note...saw Jake the other day. and his new puppy. Jake is leaving to England in Feb and, personally i think he'll never come back. Our parting not was..'well...i'll probably never see you again so...' and he held out his hand to shake it. Brutal honesty was always ur forte sweetie. I'll miss you dude. Remeber the hrs dragging by after school when u'd forget to pick ur brother up form school??? ahh..memories.

you must all be lenient now as we are jet setting off to dad;s. dial-up internet, a high-res digicam and my short fuse don't mix. so if i don't blog for a while i am exempt.

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