Monday 28 May 2007

Home Sweet Home

Mum's gone. she moved out on Saturday. Iza has taken her place. sooo good. so quiet. i can breathe again.

holiday's are around the corner. 5 and a half weeks off bitches!!!!!

wisdom teeth are getting pulled out 5th July. i am not allowed to catch public transport for a day afterwards. not allowed to stay home by myself. not allowed to eat or drink for 12 hours before the surgery. ME! not eating!!!! be some photos of our new abode. house warming party has not yet been planned.

and Steve.... i am forever in ur debt....CK"S blog!! the man!

And yes. Iza and i do have the same sheets. they r 2 different rooms in the photos guys.

Alex's photo still has pride of place in the house.......hmm something we should know there Iza??


Steven said...

VERY nice bed spread.

And if you're happy about the link, check out the blog now!

Li-Kim Chuah said...

You are such a suck. (David Brent voice:) Oh Love me, love me! PATHETIC!