Sunday 9 September 2007

Staying Chaste in Laverton

hm. where to start with such an adventure?? well teh beginning tends to be the trend.

so here goes:

5 pm Yarra River, Flinders Bridge. Measuring tide for a prac for Atmosphere and oceans. Fine but quite hungry.

6pm Kensington. Foxtel virgin eyes no more. No longer hungry due to chicken sized chicken burgers

7:30 pm South Kensington Station. Punks on platform. But otherwise fine.

8:15 pm Aircraft station. mmm. smells like country. walk a bit. and a bit more. very very dark. more walking.

8:40?? Club Rooms Bruce Comben Reserve CLub Room. Mark's 21st. No mark

8:45 Location as above. after walking around teh outside of the building we try again. This time success. He is there. i punch my greeting and then i leave him alone. we sit listening to sad opera and Ben notices this guy. Ask him for further info re: 'The Guy"

9 pm Left party. On the way through scary streets a group of 14 y.o girls fall out of this place we just walked past. they start calling out to us. asking if we wanted to 'have fun'. no answer from us. we just pick op the pace. 'you. the fucking blonde'. yep...walking faster. blister rubbing. 'do you want me to fucking chase you?' oh my. there's no place like home. there's no place like home. unfortunately clicking my heels together did jack shit n we still had to schlep to the station. over a freeway and past some Jonah's.

10:30 pm. Home. finally. tuck into bed. all a bad dream.....then where are these from??

The Crazy footbridge across the freeway

This one i am looking at the freeway..hoping teh footbridge will hold. Ben is just happy to be going home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

look at my chinnnnnn(s)!!!!