Friday 13 April 2007

I be TechKnowLoGee i have been slaving away at the shit hole i decided to make it all worthwhile by moving into the future with my gadgets. My old phone was dying, teh red phone key wasn't working well..which totally sucked and blowed.
hence, i waltz into the 3 store in bentleigh as i had a few hours to kill and went hey..i want a new phone. this one looked pretty enough and apparently its 'slide' was 'sturdier'. I felt akin to the guy who served me as he also had a bung eye....yessss.and my need for total techy up-to-date-ness didn't stop there. my old 3mp player my family calls em . so i dlink into DickSmith....5% off bitches...Woolworths slaving has got to b good for somethign right??
the guy that served us was like on speed and caffeine and then probably just topped it all of with a Red Bull or two it seemed. I couldn't understand what he was saying. it work with us.....jabbajabbajabba....can still do it.....jabbajabbajabba...warranty.....jabbajabba.....Lay-by....jabba....5th month is June?....jabba..
alarms are going off..i am starting to sweat and totally spin out coz of this dude. i literally had to walk into the really quiet bookshop so i could slow my hear rate. How are people like that allowed out in public??

so..anyway...after all that..i have a half paid for black ipod video waiting for me at DickSmith. what have i done?

taught today. freaken horse was such a total cow..hahaha...nah she cut my hand, bit me and bolted about 12 times. it was awesome fun. and then some randoms turned up n asked if they could shoot my horse...for a children's book. one eyebrow is stil raised in weirded-out-ness.

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