Saturday 26 April 2008

I Thank Thee

So after three weeks of living on Henry Street i finally plucked up the courage to tell my mother that i had, in fact, moved out of Carlton house. The plan was to tell her the day after the removalists had put my bulky stuff in the room so then it was all over and done with and she could not try and convince me to move back to Bentleigh with her. I needed a way to butter her up so the news would be a bit easier to skim over if i had something else interesting/expensive to give her. Thinking. Aha! Remebered there was a book she once had and LOVED and claims she lent it out to people and never got it there i am searching every possible distributor at work. All but one house were all out of print so put my order in and sat tight. Was anticipating it would take at least two months to get in so figured i would use the news of me finding the book to order as my 'other topic' when i told her the news. But that failed. I needed that get out of jail free card when she invited me for dinner but i was moving my small shit that evening. Just to appease i told her about the book and suddenly me not coming to dinner wasn't as bad as first thought. Bugger....there goes that idea!!!

But alas. Special Orders aren't as pathetically slow as i seem to tell customers. My book came. I told mum about my move...(on an escalator mind u so she couldn't really do anything)..gave her the book and you know what she said???

go on...guess....

oh..ok....and then out came nobel prize winning author toni to save the day....

And no tantrums or arguments....victory was mine

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