Tuesday 1 January 2008

I Love to Ride my Bi-See-Cool...I Love to Ride my Bike

HA!..jeez! its 2008 and has been for, what, a day now? and boy.....nothing has changed...there is this dum poll on ninemsn saying do you think that the quality of life will be better in 2008??? what kind of a stupid question is that?? what's the difference whether its 07 or 08? bah! stupid people!

anyway..new years. come 5 pm i am thinking shiiiit i have people coming and have no food, no piss and no light outside!...so muscles n i head down to big w to get glasses and safeway to get piss n snacks. meanwhile it is about a million degrees outside and everything in the world is melting.

so we set up house. fairy lights in the back yard...doritos, dips and music on stand by. we wait. we have a drink. exchange awkward glances and wonder if the party of 2 was all it would be.

never fail.....emilyjay and her sidekick showed.....high five! and tehn matthew carter came IN COSTUME. it was like a thousand degrees outside and matthew carter came to my house dressed as a fucking pirate! bless that kid! and then steve and likim showed and finally the saviour of teh party...steph.

we all ventured down to some park somewhere a million miles from my house and i have no idea where or how we got there! there were atleast 500 people in that park all partying hard and high fiving me while they were at it! i am yet to piece the rest of the night together from what people tell me from this point on ....sorry for the abrupt ending but i am drawing blanks.

and the most shameful part is that there is not one photo of any of the night's activities...from gypsy dancing to rob smashin my glass to me apparently pinching some guys ass in the park....not to mention the fairy lights n the fact that i peed in an alley....ahhh but i will still have the memories!!


Anonymous said...

i was gonna say.. you didnt even mention rob showing up and dressed all slim-jim! but yes.. was a good night i think. HMPH. DBLT. HELLO? NO? SMIDAAAY...

Emilyjay said...
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Emilyjay said...

Heh...Andrew thought I had a concussion from bashing into that wall...maybe I did...but I'm ok! Fun had by all. Catch up again soon, ok?