Thursday 21 December 2006

You Bottled Me You C%*t

so kornel and i ventured on down to our local park as the sun was pouring its final lamentations on this cold world. we sat being a gorge fest for millions of mozzies when we witnessed an extraordinary event. now, for those of you unfamiliar with our quiet inner eastern suburbs, Bentleigh is full of retired and semi-retired ethnics who rarely venture our of their brick veneer palaces. so when kornel and i saw a group of wife-beater wearing skips slugging down 'hand-granade vb's' at the club house we were ever so curious. the eerie yellow light, the 'despite it being 9 o'clock' heat and the buzzing of insects made us feel as if someone had time warped us into the mc cain commercial...u know the one with the two snot nosed brats eaing corn??

anyway...we were minding our own business...chatting,....bitching...when we heard raised voices. we watched intently, mutterring 'fight, fight' under the cover of darkness. this is where the situtation got ugly. we saw one guy lunge at teh other, spraying a cloud of amber over the whole group. punches were being thrown and thigns got a bit nasty. at this point kornel and i decided it be wise to take that as our cue to leave. on departure we caught snippets of the conversation.

guy 1: " how would you know? i've already done communty service"
guy 2: "he bottled me, the c%*t"
guy 1: "they'll call the cops"

bright idea!!! so kornel and i looked up our local police station...making our web history oh so conspicuous. police station, caulfield. and when Kornel did finally call we couldn't help but feel that their response of "we'll look into it thanks mate" honoured the whole debarcle.

what's the colour of a two cent piece? copper copper!!!

1 comment:

Just Mal said...

aww shaddup beach. lol!!!1