Tuesday, 13 March 2007


So...half way through Googling info from Wikipedia about Urinary Tract Infections...as i was pissing razorblades a while back for those of you who didn't associate my MSN name...GOSH!

anyway....found some killer genital diagrams and can see how easy it can be for someone to totally freak out by misdiagnosis. Here we go. I started off looking up UTI's. I followed the symptoms link after link and ended up reading about Penile cancer and Ghonnorea......WHAAATTTT?

Chyah...so apparantly my penis is dying and i have an STI. When, really, i could have just pissed on one of those cardboard sticks that Ma stole from work and judged by the pretty colours whether i had a UTI or not. For those of you interested in tracking my progress...go nuts!!


On a lighter note...just saw a whale kill this guy in a small fishing boat in Japan. Suck on that.....i love irony.
The funnier thing is...yeh i know. FunniER...is that this guy was trying to lure the whale out of teh shallows and back into open water......hahahahaha

And now...for the most spectacular thing i;ve seen in ages......


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